Year 2043.Inside BEL (Bot Enterprise Labs),famous high technology company,a new robot is being tested, its name: I.V.E., or Intelligence Vainglory Explorer. The installations of BEL are being pirated by you, a freelance hacker hired by the government to investigate this company. In words of the company, IVE was designed to explore planets far beyond the known limits of the universe, where humans can't reach. But the most important Intelligence Agencies of the world suspect that is a lie and the real destiny of this next-gen bot is to attack humanity and conquer the world for the owner of the evil company: J.Phil, who must not be understimate the costs of getting back its precious new creation to fullfill his agenda. You have to steal the bot with the help or you hacking skills and bring this new warbot model to a safe place to be extracted, and then analyzed. The real code name of the project could be other: Intelligence Vanishing Enemies. Take care with this robot, it could be inestable,... unless you take full control of its skills!. Evil Doctor J.Phil will send you all his crazy bots units to combat IVE and try to catch it, you have license to use all means considered suitable for the mission to success.

- ★ 2.5D Platformer with Realistic Physics (Unity engine)
- ★ 8 levels with a boss fight stage every 2 levels.
- ★ Lots of enemies.
Available in your PsVita -- PSM !!